Elvis in Success stories
June 11, 2018

A Life Without Drugs—It’s Better!

I was using cocaine and alcohol again, going without sleep for as long as six days and five nights. I was dying. Then my Dad brought me to Narconon and here I made my own decision to do the Narconon drug rehab program, especially because of the New Life Detoxification.


Elvis in Drug Rehab
February 22, 2018

You May Think You Cannot Live without Drugs—Not True

Being a drug addict is one of the worst things someone deals with in life. Everything becomes a mess and life doesn’t have meaning anymore. “The real world starts to spin away and everything becomes an illusion.


Elvis in Success stories
December 13, 2017

Stop this Cycle of Accidents and Self-Destruction…

My life started to go sharply after I finished my high school. My life has not been a bad one, it had been a few hard years in a row, a few bad relationships, I was unsure of what I wanted with my future and unhappy with the work I was doing, even though I was good at it. I had been eating hash since I was 19, playing around with a little of each.