You May Think You Cannot Live without Drugs—Not True

Happy woman
(Photo by Evgeny Atamanenko/

“Being a drug addict is one of the worst things someone deals with in life. Everything becomes a mess and life doesn’t have meaning anymore.

“The real world starts to spin away and everything becomes an illusion. Your life revolves around drugs—you become who drugs want you to be. You can no longer see the beauty in life, and most things don’t even exist or seem irrelevant. You lose your loved ones and your best friend becomes your drug dealer. And your dealer only ’loves’ you in those moments because he gives you what you want and you pay him. This is one of the many lies that you will come to understand sooner or later.

“You will understand that life doesn’t have to be this way and things can change for the better.

You may think that you cannot live without drugs but that’s just not true.

“Life is more beautiful without drugs.”

E.Q.—Narconon Staff Member

(To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.)



Elvis has been helping people since early stages of his life. His devotion to helping led him to join staff at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center to help people recover from their addictions to drug or alcohol.