Welcome to
Narconon Europe
At Narconon Europe you enter an environment dedicated to one thing: helping people overcome addiction for good. It starts with the Narconon environment.
First, we don’t have “patients” or “victims” or “addicts.” We have students—students who are learning to live a successful drug-free life.
Here, every detail has been taken into account to give our students the stability and comfort they need to begin the climb, freeing themselves from addiction and rebuilding their lives without drugs.
Narconon Europe is the region’s premier Narconon centre designed to deliver Narconon’s effective technology: from our specially-designed spaces for drug-free withdrawal, to the New Life Detox centre where our unique methodology eliminates the drug residues that stimulate cravings and relapse.
Our facility lies secluded on 6.3 hectares outside Helsinge—right on beautiful Lake Arreso—an ideal setting for the one-on-one care and personalized attention that is essential to our uniquely effective programme.