Karen Hadley in Drug Rehab
September 9, 2019

Which Drugs Are Sapping the National Spirit of Denmark?

Like other European countries, Denmark struggles with use of cannabis, alcohol, heroin, cocaine and amphetamine among its citizens. Unlike other countries, cannabis is the primary drug creating 70% of rehab arrivals.


S in Narconon Success Story
September 6, 2016

From Criminal to Sober… Found Myself Back

From Criminal to Sober… Found Myself Back: “I have been a drug addict since I was 13. My addiction started with a lot of drinking and smoking hash , skunk etc. With giving everything I had, I ended up being in a criminal world, actively helping the society go down.


Mac McGregor in Narconon Success Story
September 5, 2016

Letting Go of the Past

In the Narconon Program students are helped to face things that can act as triggers for them in the future. This can be drugs , alcohol , people they used with, places where they used, etc. This is done through certain exercises that help remove negative memories and emotions.