Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

Around the world, alcohol abuse is a problem that either directly or indirectly causes two million deaths each year. Millions more lose their health, their families, their jobs or just the joy of living.

One of the difficulties with eliminating alcohol abuse is its legality. Drinking itself is legal in nearly all the countries of the world. Being a little or a lot drunk is acceptable or even normal in many cultures. In other cultures, there are specific times and places when moderate drunkenness is considered usual–for example, in Western cultures at sporting events, New Year’s Eve parties, college campus parties and 21st- birthday celebrations.

Signs and symptoms of a problem with alcohol abuse may be overlooked or condoned by friends and coworkers until the damage starts to become obvious. For family members and close friends, the damage is probably apparent far sooner.

If you are wondering if a person is abusing alcohol or if they have progressed to alcoholism, here is what you can look for.

Alcohol abuse:

Abuse progresses to addiction when the following signs show up:

Excessive Alcohol Consumption Should Not Be Overlooked

These symptoms of alcohol abuse and alcoholism are warning signs that damage is occurring, whether to health, mind, relationships, legal situations or life in general. Overlooking the signs of abuse can pave the road for addiction to follow. When a person loses control of their drinking, the dwindling spiral may end in illness, incarceration, destruction of the family or death.

The highest rates of alcohol-related deaths occur in Russia and neighboring countries, where 20 percent of deaths among males are related to alcohol consumption. In China, South and Central American and Eastern European countries, between 5 percent and 10 percent of all deaths are related to alcohol use. Cirrhosis of the liver is the biggest killer of both men and women, followed by traffic accidents.

To find help for someone who cannot control his or her drinking, contact Narconon today. The Narconon program guides each recovering person through repair of the damage from addiction and through the learning steps needed to develop sober living skills.

The Narconon New Life Detoxification is an essential part of each person’s recovery. The program includes moderate exercise, a strict nutritional regimen and time sweating in a low-heat sauna. This combination enables the body to flush out drugs and toxins lodged in the fatty tissues, the residues left behind by drug use and drinking. This can result in clearer thinking and elimination of the cravings that cause the individual to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Find help for someone who is abusing or addicted to alcohol today at Narconon.




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