Mac McGregor in Drug Education
November 30, 2016

Social Drinking or Alcoholism?

Alcoholic beverages are a major part of the social life in most of Europe. Some cultures, like the French and Germans, drink alcoholic beverages with almost every meal and all of their social gatherings are well supplied with beer or wine.


Mac McGregor in Addiction
October 12, 2016

Alcohol in the Workplace

Although alcohol is an accepted drug in much of our culture, the fact that the cost of alcohol and alcoholism in our society is an astounding figure should lead us to question whether we are doing enough to address the problems…


How do people change when they are addicted ?

Many people want to know “How do people change when they are addicted”. They may need an answer to this question because they suspect one of their friends or family members are beginning to show differences in behaviors that they can’t reconcile as being anything other than drug related.