Mac McGregor

I have been a leader in the alcohol and other drug rehab and prevention field for nearly 40-years, taking my first professional job as the Executive Director of a prevention program in the US, in 1975. I was a State Director of Substance Abuse in the US and I have been on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. I was the Principal Investigator of two CSAP grants providing prevention services in Colorado. I am semi-retired, but I am still very active in working for better solutions.

Mac McGregor in Drug Rehab
November 30, 2016

Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is still the most abused stimulant. Many people, outside of the drug rehab field, have lost sight of cocaine as a major drug problem, but this is due to the fact that the news media isn’t covering the epidemic like it did in the 1980s when cocaine was being seen as the “disco drug” of the time.


Mac McGregor in Drug Rehab
November 30, 2016

Cocaine Addiction Symptoms

Alcohol and other drug helplines periodically receive calls from parents and other loved ones inquiring about the symptoms of cocaine use and addiction. There are certain signs and symptoms you can learn to identify cocaine use and addiction. This article will give you some basic tips and advice.


Mac McGregor in Drug Education
November 30, 2016

Social Drinking or Alcoholism?

Alcoholic beverages are a major part of the social life in most of Europe. Some cultures, like the French and Germans, drink alcoholic beverages with almost every meal and all of their social gatherings are well supplied with beer or wine.


Mac McGregor in Addiction
October 26, 2016

Cocaine Withdrawals

Cocaine , when taken in a manner that gets the drug into the bloodstream quickly and in high concentrations, produces a feeling of euphoria and happiness that makes its use appealing and addictive.


Mac McGregor in Addiction
October 20, 2016

Alcohol Withdrawals

Alcohol Withdrawals is a clinical term to describe the physical and emotional response that occurs in an individual who stops his consumption of alcohol after excessive and prolonged drinking of alcohol.


Mac McGregor in Addiction
October 20, 2016

Specific Challenges Faced in Alcohol Withdrawals

Alcohol withdrawals can be as mild as a hangover or so severe that one needs hospitalization. It all depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and over what period of time . There are also factors of sex and age that enter into this equation.


Mac McGregor in Addiction
October 12, 2016

Alcohol in the Workplace

Although alcohol is an accepted drug in much of our culture, the fact that the cost of alcohol and alcoholism in our society is an astounding figure should lead us to question whether we are doing enough to address the problems…


Mac McGregor in Narconon Success Story
September 6, 2016

Facing Transgressions Helps Addicts Take Responsibility for Past

One of the strengths of the Narconon program is the method that it uses to help its students face their transgressions they have committed in their past. This is a necessary step for anyone that has had a drug or alcohol problem and is recognized by other treatment modalities, as well.


Mac McGregor in Narconon Success Story
September 5, 2016

Letting Go of the Past

In the Narconon Program students are helped to face things that can act as triggers for them in the future. This can be drugs , alcohol , people they used with, places where they used, etc. This is done through certain exercises that help remove negative memories and emotions.


Mac McGregor in Drug Rehab
August 11, 2016

Cocaine Abuse, Addiction and Treatment

Cocaine is still the most abused stimulant in U.S. society and many other countries around the world.