Elvis in Success stories
December 14, 2017

A Beautiful Life, Before Drugs

My life was a very nice one before drugs, I had a beautiful family and very nice friends. I was also very smart and one of the best students in my class. I was 17 when I first tried weed with my friends; it looked cool and made me calm.


Drug-Free Rehab — How does it work?

Talking about a drug-free rehab requires some clarification. A rehab is not the same thing as a medical detox. Med detox helps a person through a dangerous withdrawal, as happens after long, heavy alcohol consumption, or lengthy use of benzodiazepines.


What to expect when my loved one goes to rehab at Narconon?

This is a very good question for a family to ask when sending a loved one to a Narconon rehab center. The family is going to play an important role in the person’s recovery—all the way through the recovery program and even after he (or she) comes home.


Finding addiction In loved ones

A family becomes so used to caring for, loving and trusting other family members that when one of them becomes addicted, it can be hard to take it all in. Parents who raised a beautiful child watch him (or her) slip away into some kind of ugliness.


Mac McGregor in Drug Rehab
July 22, 2016

Sports and Drugs

Sports and Drugs It isn’t uncommon to read about professional athletes being caught using illicit drugs.


How do people change when they are addicted ?

Many people want to know “How do people change when they are addicted”. They may need an answer to this question because they suspect one of their friends or family members are beginning to show differences in behaviors that they can’t reconcile as being anything other than drug related.