Narconon Blog
Addiction Treatment as a Priority Over Punishment in Portugal
Despite recent decriminalization laws and the media’s intent efforts to focus on those laws, the untold story is that Portugal still struggles with serious drug addiction problems. Truthfully, the Portuguese addiction crisis will continue to spread until every addict in Portugal receives quality drug treatment.
Uncovering Drug Addiction in Israel
Israeli families may be concerned to learn that drug abuse is a rising problem among young people. Thankfully, there are steps that parents and community members can take to prevent this problem from getting worse, and to even reverse it. Through education and treatment, Israel can curb its growing drug problem.
The Prominent Role of Sisa Addiction Combined with Economic Crisis in Greece
During the height of the economic crisis in Greece, a new drug, called ‘sisa,’ emerged to plague citizens who were already at-risk for hardship.
Alcohol Abuse in Austria—A Serious Problem
Across the world, alcohol consumption varies considerably, from population to population. In Austria, alcohol consumption per person is markedly higher than in most countries. Does this lead to more alcohol addiction among Austrian residents?
Estonia’s Fentanyl Epidemic
Estonia became ground zero for a fentanyl addiction epidemic in Europe in the mid-2010s. Progress has been made in addressing this crisis, but some Estonians still suffering from addiction. What needs to be done to resolve addiction emergencies in Estonia once and for all?
Is Europe At-Risk for Krokodil Trafficking from Russia?
Krokodil is an extremely toxic drug that’s cropped up in Russian cities. A relatively new drug that can be made at home with a few simple ingredients, there is a great deal of risk in krokodil use. Has the drug made its way into Europe yet? And if not, how do Europeans prevent a krokodil epidemic from manifesting?