Gaining the Ability to Face Challenges in Life Drug-Free

Sober man

The word “objective” means having to do with physical objects and outward things, not one’s internal thoughts and feelings. An objective procedure is, therefore, one that helps a person take his attention off himself and put it outward on his environment. As objectives bring the person out of the past and into the present, they constitute a vital step of the Narconon Program.

One student on the objectives has this to say:

Today, I am on “Objective 12” and as I go forward from one objective process to another I feel more confident and aware of what I am doing and this feeling gives me a lot of satisfaction.

I also now understand the importance of not only receiving objectives but also giving them to your twin and thus being part of his success. It also gets you closer to the person.

Day by day you are working with tools that give you back the things you seem to have lost in your life while you were under the influence and you realize the importance of the little things that made a huge difference in your daily life—things like talking clearly, listening attentively, noticing your surroundings and your environment and most of all, being in present time which by itself is the secret to a happy and healthy life.

In the beginning, if someone had told me about those things, I would never have believed him or given it any importance, but now that I am experiencing them for myself I realize how much better I feel.

This program has changed me a lot. I am no longer anxious, I can deal with boredom and most importantly, I can follow a schedule and help others and my life is filled with positive thoughts and actions.

I also now understand clearly why we had to go through all the other steps before the objectives. The “Sauna” makes you feel good about your body; you are again energized and much more alive. The communication drills set you up to be able to go smoothly through the objectives.

“These steps have been very beneficial to me. I feel different and I have a more positive attitude towards life and I am acquiring tools that will help me face any obstacles or challenges in times to come.”

Like everything else in life, it is a learning curve and you understand that skipping any vital steps will not lead you anywhere and the secret to life is to go through your days one at a time, staying in present time, not being affected by the past and putting negative thoughts as far away as possible by facing them and being able to discard them.

These steps have been very beneficial to me. I feel different and I have a more positive attitude towards life and I am acquiring tools that will help me face any obstacles or challenges in times to come.

M.—Narconon Europe Student

If you know someone who needs help getting rid of drug or alcohol addiction, contact Narconon Europe. We will help you.

(To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.)


Lena Severin

Life is priceless! It must be protected! I want to help people understand this and look more positively at the world around them.