The Word, “INTEGRITY” Became the Biggest Word for Me

Kimi, Japanese Graduate

About 5 months ago, I quit my job and came to Narconon Europe because I decided to change my life.

Until I arrived here, and also in the beginning after I arrived here, I was full of vague anxiety every day.

Of course, the Withdrawal and New Life Detox were great, but the point where something inside of me really started to change was when I was in the middle of the Objectives step. Since I was a child I had bad thoughts and anxiety, I used to regret the past and always think about something bad. That’s why I was not there at all even I looked I was there. Nothing meant to me. So, on Objectives, I actually experienced how important to be in the present time.

Life Skills Courses after that were the toughest. I learned how bad what I had done in the past was by writing down my past misdeeds and doing the Changing Conditions in Life Course. The bad memories and the memories related to the incidents made me bad. Then I decided to never do the same thing anymore because I don’t want to experience this feeling again.

“The word, ‘INTEGRITY’ became the biggest word for me. I put the target to make everyone happy. I will do what I think is right.”

The word, “INTEGRITY” became the biggest word for me. I put the target to make everyone happy. I will do what I think is right.

I still cannot speak to people around me because of the language problem, they really helped me. I achieved the wonderful thing in an interesting environment.

I wish everybody’s happiness and I will make my dream come true to have my shop as a pastry chef.

—Kimi, Japanese Graduate Narconon Europe


Carlo Balasini

Carlo has been working in the field of addiction and recovery for 5 years. Having been a manager of a security company, he has first-hand experience with addicts and youths addiction. This led him to do something effective about it thus he joined Narconon.