Replacement Drugs:
Don’t Fall into the Trap

Preoccupied young man

Don’t fall into the trap of using whatever replacement drug or pills you are offered as a solution for your addiction.

I spent many years helping people off drugs and I have seen the results first hand.

The withdrawal on Methadone, Subutex, various benzos and other pills that are supposed the help is only making your withdrawal longer and harder. In many cases, you cannot even do a drug-free withdrawal but have to go to a hospital first. Many of these pills can also create dangerous mental and physical conditions when you try to get off the drugs.

Then we have all the new internet drugs that in many cases make you more or less crazy. The withdrawal is hard and in many cases creates psychosis and very unpleasant effects.

Narconon uses only vitamins and minerals together with various relaxing technics and counseling. This helps you get through your withdrawal faster and with minimum discomfort. Many express their surprise on how much more easy it was to come off drugs using these technics.

In Narconon we believe in you and that you have the power to kick your addiction and create for yourself a new good life. You are not born into this world as an addict, and you don’t have to live like one. We will do all in our power to get you out of the trap.

Contact us or check our web-page for more information on the whole program. Life exists within you and it’s great. Let it out, let it be free.

Thomas P.—Staff Member at Narconon Europe



I am very happy to join the Narconon family and I am glad that i have opportunity to help.