New Life Detoxification

What Students Have to Say About This Step of the Program

Narconon New Life Detoxification program

After Drug-Free Withdrawal, participants take the next step, which is New Life Detoxification. Thanks to a standard sauna and vitamin regimen, students get rid of the drug residues which, up to that point, have remained in the fatty tissues of the body. Here is what two students have to say about this:

First student:

“The New Life Detox was pretty hard at first because sometimes I felt very tired and I experienced mood swings both during and after the sauna. But after about 23 days my condition improved and I began to feel much more stable. After I finished this part of the program, my body became cleaner and my mind became clearer. My overall well-being has improved and I can think much more clearly. I would actually recommend this action to many of my friends and relatives regardless of whether or not they used drugs because, just by living in today’s environment, there are already so many toxic substances in any of us. I feel my body is now rid of such substances and I have much more energy.”

Second student:

“The New Life Detox was very good and I went through it without any problems. When I was taking drugs I could feel their effect on my body but this is no longer the case. Now I feel fresh and more energetic and I don’t think about drugs anymore. Also, I go to the gym every day and I’m gaining more strength. I’m now looking forward to my next step. Thanks to all of you for your respect and understanding.”

We are very happy to see the changes that are happening in our students. It is great to see them become brighter and able to clearly express their ideas. We will continue to help students get rid of addiction.

If you know someone who needs help getting rid of drug or alcohol addiction, contact Narconon Europe. We will help you.


Lena Severin

Life is priceless! It must be protected! I want to help people understand this and look more positively at the world around them.