Narconon Helped Me to Regain My Desire to Live…

When I was doing the Narconon program I really didn't expect to achieve such a fantastic results. To be honest, when I enrolled onto the program I had no desire to quit drugs, I didn't see the problems I had, and thought that things were going pretty well for me.

But going through the program has opened my eyes — I finally saw the mess I was in, how badly addicted I was and the problems I had because of that.

Man looking at the mountains

But that's not the main point I want to get across. The main point is this: having completed the program I've regained my lost abilities and got such powerful tools for handling life that the desire to take drugs simply disappeared. I've regained the will to live!

You could compare it to being a child and playing with toys—I had the idea that I would play with my toys all my life and would never stop. But look—a MIRACLE! I no longer play with toys because I'm all grown up.

Similarly, I've outgrown drugs—I simply have no interest in them.

Being on the program wasn't always easy, but the joy of a fulfilling life is worth all of the difficulties I encountered. It takes a strong person to overcome this. I wish everyone to find the strength to do this first step. As for the rest, you'll get help from professionals, who don't just have some superficial knowledge of the issue, but know the problem inside-out.

—S.G. – Narconon Graduate