Signs and Symptoms of Hashish Use

Europe is directly in the sights of those who produce the world’s hashish. From Morocco, long the world’s leader in the production of this drug, shipments need only cross the Mediterranean. In the last couple of years, hashish has been produced in greater quantities in Afghanistan. Those shipments have a long trip across the Balkan Peninsula by truck or by air, to arrive in Europe. In 2009, 594 tonnes of hashish were seized in Europe, more than the amount of herbal cannabis that was seized.

Statistically, numbers on hashish use are usually incorporated into reports on cannabis/marijuana use – hashish is a concentrated, high-THC product of the cannabis plant. THC is the intoxicating ingredient produced by the plant. The drug creates a drowsy lassitude characterized by these signs and symptoms:

  • Loss of a sense of the passage of time
  • Inability or reduced ability to concentrate or remember
  • Poor coordination
  • Red or bloodshot eyes
  • Less ability to learn or comprehend data or facts
  • Poor judgement
  • Inability to think clearly
  • Impairment of ability to set and achieve goals
  • Loss of motivation

Long-Lasting Hashish Effects

It is well known that THC does not fully clear the body for weeks after hashish or cannabis use stops, so these symptoms may be strongly present for a long time. This is an important reason that it is particularly important for a cannabis user to find a long-term drug rehab program. Especially in the case of hashish use, a person on a short-term program may find himself through the program and back on the street just as the major effects of cannabis abuse are starting to reduce. 

Is Hashish Addictive?

Is it possible to become addicted to hashish? It certainly is. An inability to stop using the drug is one of the signs of extended hashish use. This can be accompanied by paranoia, hallucinations and even psychotic episodes. A person addicted to any cannabis product does go through withdrawal symptoms when they go to a drug rehab for recovery. 

At Narconon centers across Europe, those addicted to the hashish coming out of Morocco or Afghanistan have been able to find sobriety at last. This is a long-term program that specifically offers a way to flush the stored THC residues out of the body. This phase of the Narconon program is called the Narconon New Life Detoxification.

Find out about the Narconon drug rehab program offered at centres across Europe.