Elvis in Success Story
February 8, 2018

My Sobriety—The Best Birthday Gift!

The first good thing that I did in my life was when I came to Narconon Europe and started my war against my addiction. The journey was not easy, but the end result is huge. For the first time in my life, I feel great, but the most important thing is that I believe in myself.


Elvis in Success stories
February 6, 2018

It Is Possible to Come Back from Addiction!

I am 25 years old and I have thrown 8 years of my life away on drugs. I took drugs for the first time to a school finish. That day at school, one of my friends asked me, “Do you want to try?” I did not think for a second and just said, “Yes.“


Elvis in Success stories
January 3, 2018

Able to Feel and Live Again

I have had a lot of wins from doing the Narconon Program. My skin is a thousand times better from the detox and the spots on my skin are almost gone. My skin is softer and brighter.


Elvis in Drug Information
December 17, 2017

Not Just a Party Drug: 1000 Deaths from Cocaine

There were 1,000 deaths from cocaine in one year—this alarming fact makes me reflect on how this society is increasingly controlled and made stupid.


Elvis in Success stories
November 15, 2017

My Personality Was Lost, I Found It Again

I successfully completed the Narconon program by attaining my greatest goal, BEING DRUG-FREE. I am very happy and proud of myself and what I achieved here in Narconon . My personality was totally changed.


S in Narconon Success Story
February 23, 2017

I Got Rid of My Addiction at Narconon!

Narconon’s life skills courses changed my viewpoint and way of thinking towards life. This is a unique program designed to bring your attention back from the past to present. I am in love with this program as it gave me control of my mind and my life.