Able to Feel and Live Again

Soleil—Narconon Europe Student

I have had a lot of wins from doing the Narconon Program. My skin is a thousand times better from the detox and the spots on my skin are almost gone. My skin is softer and brighter. After finishing the detox and getting out all the toxins and drugs from my body, I feel more energetic and active and I don’t think about drugs anymore.

The Narconon Program has brought me back the joy of life and also the desire to live and enjoy a drug-free life. At Narconon, I had a lot of fun and now I can experience beautiful feelings that I couldn’t before. For example, when I was listening to music before, I couldn’t feel any emotions,—but now I feel a lot of emotions and good feelings when I listen to music. What’s more, I laugh more and feel over the moon.

I am friendlier now, and more open towards others. In the beginning, I was focusing on my inner self and didn’t like to communicate with other people. Before, I would think about something and couldn’t stop thinking about it. This had affected my sleep, but doing the Objectives has helped me to be able to control my thoughts and to be in the environment in present time. The feelings of the past do not have control on my life anymore.

Doing the Objectives has also helped me immensely to explore myself. I have had a lot of realizations about my past. I feel ready to go ahead and live a drug-free life. I am convinced that I won’t go back to drugs or to the same situations I was in before. Now, I can distinguish who is a good friend for me and who is not. I also know what is right and wrong and can understand my family too. I am able to make the right decisions in my life. I also learned that it is very important to be honest; otherwise, I have to restrict myself.

Writing my harmful acts and the secrets connected with them has helped me to feel a lot lighter and better. Now I have a different attitude and understanding about every part of my past life. I have also learned how to handle things in life from the Conditions Formulas.

I have a good plan for my life and I am sure that I am not going to go back into the same situations. I am able to have a successful, drug-free life. I am happy that I didn’t leave the program all the times when I felt like I wanted to—I experienced hard times during the program and got through it. The Narconon program has enabled me to be the same person I was before I started doing drugs.

Soleil—Narconon Europe Student



Elvis has been helping people since early stages of his life. His devotion to helping led him to join staff at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center to help people recover from their addictions to drug or alcohol.