From Criminal to Sober— I 
Found Myself Again

My addiction started at the age of 13 with a lot of drinking and smoking hash, skunk, etc. and I ended up being in a criminal world, actively helping the society to go down.

I was part of many illegal activities and was rapidly on my way toward death. I also started taking cocaine, amphetamine, and pills.

My family found Narconon in Denmark and took action. They pushed me to start the Narconon program and convinced me to get cleaned up, as being a criminal or on drugs was not my dream.

“I don’t need any replacements for the drugs, I can finally just be me and I have never felt better.”

In the beginning, I thought Narconon was just about getting off drugs, but gradually I realized it is so much more. Getting off drugs is just a bonus. It helps in clearing your body and your mind and finding out the reasons behind your addiction.

Happy man silhouette

It kind of staggered me to find out why I was on drugs, but after I found that out, it was so easy for me to not take drugs anymore.

I don’t need any replacements for the drugs, I can finally just be me and I have never felt better. I am genuinely happy. I have my dreams in life and I am focused toward my goal.

I am happy. I am much more in present time instead of being stuck in the past. I have much more control of myself and my surroundings. I enjoy my life throughout the day. I know who my real friends are and who I would rather not see again.

Doing the Narconon program was the best decision of my life as it saved me. I thank the entire Narconon Europe team for helping me to do the program as it is supposed to be done.

I recommend this program to anyone who needs help to get rid of addiction. Believe me, true help is here at Narconon Europe. You truly can be drug-free.

They helped me and my family and they will surely help your loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

P J — Narconon Student