Finding Addiction in a Loved One   

A family becomes so used to caring for, loving and trusting other family members that when one of them becomes addicted, it can be hard to take it all in. Parents who raised a beautiful child watch him (or her) slip away into some kind of ugliness. A wife who married a trustworthy man can see him change into someone frightening. This is the kind of transformation that results from drug addiction or alcoholism.

A family sometimes struggles with their own disbelief when these changes take place. They may think that the person they care about has a “drinking problem” or a “drug problem,” but not addiction. If a person suffers one setback or loss after another as a result of the drug or alcohol abuse, and he doesn’t pick himself up and get clean, then it is because he can’t. He is addicted and he needs help. He needs rehabilitation.

Narconon Helping to Repair Families Torn Over Addiction

The Definition of Addiction

Addiction is a condition characterized by repeated, compulsive seeking and using of drugs, alcohol or other similar substances despite adverse social, mental and physical consequences.

Addiction is usually accompanied by psychological and physical dependence on the abused substance and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the addictive substance is rapidly decreased or eliminated. These withdrawal symptoms can be physical, mental or emotional.

You will notice that this definition does not include any comment about relapse or chronic disease. In more than fifty years, of helping people recover from addiction with the Narconon drug rehabilitation program, it has been found that recovery does not have to include relapse. Recovery can be stable when the causes of addiction are thoroughly addressed. And drugs are not needed as part of treatment because addiction is not a disease.

Stable Recovery is Possible

At Narconon rehabilitation centers across Europe and around the world, the Narconon program has been helping the addicted find real recovery. Parents say they have their children back again. Fathers and mothers can once again care for the little ones they neglected when the drugs were all they could think about.

Narconon takes a thorough approach to addiction recovery. A person who has been through addiction needs some real life skills if he is to stay sober. He needs to physically recover from the intense cravings if he is to make his own rational choices in life. She must regain the self-esteem that lets her be her own friend once again.

In four distinct phases, the Narconon program walks each person through a series of fundamental changes to the way they look at themselves, to the way they communicate to others, and to the way they deal with life’s challenges. Recovery must reach all the way to the person’s heart. His morals and personal values must be renewed for him to be a valuable part of his family and community again.

This is the Narconon path to lasting sobriety. Learn more about this program that has been bringing back the ones who seemed lost forever for over five decades.  

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Ashutosh kumar kasyap

I am Computer Graduate and MBA with a passion for helping people get off drugs. I enjoy working at Narconon as this has provided me with the opportunity to help others.