What Should I Ask When Selecting a Drug Rehab Center?

Man talking on the phone with rehab center.

Ask about the Length of the Program

Perhaps the most important thing to ask when selecting a drug rehab center for a loved one is whether or not this program results in true sobriety. 

In other words, does the person going through the program learn how life feels when he is completely free from the influence of drugs, and does he learn the skills to enable him to stay that way?

Some programs are so short that a person does get some sober time away from his usual drug-using associates, but he does not really learn how to stay that way.

There are also programs that focus on reducing the harm that one suffers from drug addiction. These are, factually, not rehabilitation programs as they do not restore a person to an earlier level of capability but leave the person in a state of “controlled” addiction. When enrolled on a program such as this, a person does not recover from addiction. He does usually achieve other improvements such as a better quality of life and less or no criminality.

Ask About the Life Skills that Are Covered

It would be wise to ask detailed questions about the way the program addresses life skills. There should be components in the program that bring it into alignment with the standards set by the World Health Organization. In criteria set by the WHO to reduce substance abuse and crime around the world, it is recommended that those in rehab gain the following skills:

  • Decision-making and problem-solving
  • Creative thinking and critical thinking
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Self-awareness and empathy
  • Coping with emotions and stress.

A program that focuses simply on support meetings for a person trying to recover may not provide enough service to ensure that person’s lasting recovery. Ask about each of these skills and find out how they are approached in this rehab program.

Reducing Cravings a Huge Bonus

If the program has a non-drug method of alleviating a person’s cravings, this is a great advantage for the recovering person.

Until cravings abate, a person in recovery may struggle every day with the desire to use drugs again. He (or she) may be tormented by vivid dreams of using drugs.

To find out more about the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at Narconon Center Europe, please call us today.


Ashutosh kumar kasyap

I am Computer Graduate and MBA with a passion for helping people get off drugs. I enjoy working at Narconon as this has provided me with the opportunity to help others.