The Only Person I Was Fooling Was Myself

Thomas Pettersson—Narconon Europe Staff
Thomas Pettersson—Narconon Europe Staff

I know it’s sometimes hard to ask for help. “What will they think of me” and “What will they say” etc. runs through one’s mind. As an addict, I became an expert in tricking myself. “You know, if I just handle this and that and avoid this and that, everything will be good again and nobody will know about this drug problem. Then I will get a new fresh start and this time I will do it right.”

Hmmm… the years went by and the endless nights later the same old crap. I think I must have created thousands of plans on how to handle my life and how to get on top of everything again. I used to be as most creative after taking some drugs and It was all a piece of cake. If someone talked to me or tried to help me, I just put on a stone face and claimed “it’s all under control.” Well, the only problem was IT NEVER HAPPENED! It only happened in my mind and I just went further and further away from all the things I loved and from all my dreams and goals.

It’s amazing how one can slowly but surely lose everything and still live under the illusion of “NO PROBLEM I’LL FIX IT TOMORROW.

It was when I first asked for help and then took it that I got out of this drug trap. It all started with that step. Plans have no value if they are not put into action. Actually one just becomes less and less able by accumulating all these failures in one’s mind.

My help came from Narconon and by doing the Narconon program I realized I can actually do this and help is part of it—I need it and want it. I got away from thinking about it and DID it.

Today I’m living a great life.

You can do it too—get off drugs and get your life back. The whole purpose behind all the steps of the Narconon program is to move you out of the drug fog and back into shape, so you can DO what you want to get the life you like and are happy about—TO LIVE AGAIN.

Call us now and we will help you!

Thomas Pettersson—Narconon Europe Staff


Thomas Pettersson

Thomas, a Narconon veteran. He dedicated many decades of his life on getting people off drugs for good.