Stop Doing Drugs—Love Yourself!

Stop Doing Drugs—Love Yourself!
(Photo by kosmos111/

While working at Narconon Europe, I have seen so many cocaine addicts that came here to do the program.

Everyone of them had almost the same story to tell, everyone of them had similar problems.

Cocaine is a psychological drug which affects mostly their mind. This way they start thinking only about that and forget about everything else that used to matter in their lives. They lose the love for their family, for their friends and—most important—they lose the love for themselves.

What really matters for them is where to find the money to buy the cocaine and after that where to hide so no one can see them. They are not themselves anymore, its only them and the drugs and everybody else is a spy that wants to hurt them.

This is my invitation to you if you are in a similar situation:

Everyone that reaches that point needs professional help and the age doesn’t matter—you are always on time to become drug-free, to have your life back and to regain the ability to love what really matters in your life and the love of the ones that have always been there for you.

E.Q—Narconon Europe Staff Member



Elvis has been helping people since early stages of his life. His devotion to helping led him to join staff at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center to help people recover from their addictions to drug or alcohol.