It Changed Me FOREVER

Sober man
Photo by Lena Harbak/

The Narconon Program is a natural, residential program that deals with both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Addicts tend to be stuck in the past and that is one of the reasons they cannot go on without using drugs. Objectives are specific exercises that help to bring a person’s attention from their past to the present.

“Objective exercise 15 of this course did it for me—it gave me the last thing that I needed. I had many problems before with my emotions and got angry or frustrated very fast. Since doing this step, I can now control my body and my mind—and for a very long time without losing it.

“Now, I can take and give orders, without any reservations or consideration. I realized during this objective step that I because of my past was not a good person for my girlfriend, but now I feel I am so strong—this has changed me FOREVER.

“I am a good person and I do not need these destructive drugs in my life. The Objectives course helped me to be stable in my mind and control every situation and handle it correctly. I am very happy when I wake up in the morning and I am no longer negative about life.

“I will never disappoint myself or my family again—they do not deserve that, nobody deserves that.”

“I will never disappoint myself or my family again—they do not deserve that, nobody deserves that. I always said to myself that I would change but nothing happened. But this program did everything for me—it really helped me in so many positive ways. I won my family back and I found myself again.”

A.S.—Narconon Europe Student



Elvis has been helping people since early stages of his life. His devotion to helping led him to join staff at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center to help people recover from their addictions to drug or alcohol.