I Am a Much Better Person Now!

Happy man

I have been an addict for 10 years. I started with hash as usual and soon after that started using speed, LSD and ecstasy. I then added pills to the menu and very soon ended up using morphine and heroin.

My life had really fallen apart. My good friends didn’t want to have anything to do with me, my girlfriend left me. My addiction drove them away. I was left alone. I really started to hate my life.

I decided to do something for myself to change my life, so I made the best decision I have ever made. I decided to come to Narconon Europe, in Denmark.

I started the program and the very first step was the drug-free withdrawal. The program is completely drug free. With the help of the staff, I got through the step fast and with minimum discomfort. I never thought that I could do that without taking other drugs.

The next step of the program was the New Life Detoxification, which consisted of taking vitamins, exercise and sitting in the sauna, to sweat all the drugs out. I sweated out all the toxins from my weak and almost dead body—it was amazing. My body is clean and full of energy.

Then I started on the Life Skill courses, where I gained back some lost abilities. I have more control, I feel happy inside and I feel… wow!

Life has given me a second chance and I promise to make it worth it—fully. I have found true happiness. My life is on track now. I got my friends back, my family is with me and most important I am even a better person now than I was before.

Thank you, Narconon Europe!

B.J.—Narconon Graduate